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During wintertime, everyone spends more time indoors than they typically do. You may notice that the inside of your home is looking a little dull and could use a refresher. A fresh painting job shouldn’t wait for the Summer, making your home a more beautiful and more comfortable place makes sense during any season!

Winter is the Perfect Time to Paint

Some may think that painting the inside of your home isn’t a job for the Winter season. That isn’t the case though, interior painting isn’t impacted by snowfall, and freezing temperatures like an exterior painting job would be. Selecting the time to paint your home is right up there with choosing the perfect color combinations in terms of importance. You don’t want your hard design work to go to waste because you chose the wrong time to paint the interior of your home.

Best Time to Save

Around the holidays and Winter season, many painting companies offer discounts on their services. Plus, there is usually less demand in the winter months, so your painting job can be completed quickly and sometimes even at a lower rate. The temperature outside doesn’t affect your interior painting job as long as your HVAC system is working correctly; paint is only negatively impacted when temperatures are below 50 degrees.

Another reason why interior painting makes more sense in the winter vs. the Summer is humidity. Moisture will cause the paint to take a long time to dry and adhere to your walls. Typically, if humidity is above 50%, it can cause issues with your paint. Heat can also hurt your paint, cause blisters to form, leave you with an uneven finish. The colors can run and end up looking discolored when it does.

Keep Things Fresh

Things can get boring in the winter; you aren’t able to do all of the same activities that you can when the weather’s nice. You can even develop a bit of cabin fever. An interior painting project can give you something fun to do during the winter and also bring some cheer and brightness into your living space during a time of year that can be dreary. Don’t put off that painting job until the Summer because it could end up costing you more money!

Contact Us

If you’re interested in completing the interior painting job that you’ve been putting off all year, contact our team today. You can reach us at 617-969-4900 or using our online contact form.


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