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At one time or another, you’ve probably gone to open a window and it hasn’t been as easy as you’d like or it may even be stuck. Or possibly you’ve got a window with a broken lock. Either way, these are some sure signs that you could use new windows. Replacing your windows is one of the top improvements you can make providing so many different benefits from efficiency to curb appeal & more. It’s especially nice to have new windows heading into the warm weather months. Keep reading for more reasons to replace your windows. 

Reduce Those Energy Costs

Everyone’s energy bills have been skyrocketing with more time spent at home. Windows and doors can be major players in the loss of energy especially if they are old. New windows provide you with enhanced insulation to keep your air conditioning and heating in. Your heating and cooling systems won’t have to work as hard with high-quality windows helping store energy inside. 

Added Security

Everyone should feel safe in their home and properly installed windows can help provide you with peace of mind. New windows have secure locks that will keep out intruders. Plus, contractors like our team offer security glass to increase privacy.

Curb Appeal

It’s an investment to replace your home’s windows but well worth it. The functional benefits they provide help you feel safe and save money but windows boost your curb appeal too. Old windows can really bring down the appearance of your home to make it look dated and aged. Dated windows are typically faded with visible signs of age on the glass panes as well. A full window replacement goes a long way in making your whole home feel more updated and crisp. The increase in natural helps boost the interior appearance and feel of your home. 

Less Noise

Many people live in relatively high traffic areas which can be noisy. But you’d be surprised with how much high-quality windows can reduce outside noise from entering your home. The right choice in a material can also go further to reduce sound in addition to your choice of pane option.


The lower energy bills and workload on your HVAC systems are great benefits of replacing your windows, but there are benefits you can feel as well. Without having to set the thermostat, your home’s temperature will naturally be more well regulated. Plus the increased natural light we mentioned is shown to boost mood. Everyone feels better with more sun, so it only makes sense to introduce more sun into your home. 

Increased Value

All of the benefits we mentioned so far make a window replacement project well worth it. But to take it a step further, if you ever decide to sell your home, new windows are a huge value-add. Buyers will certainly notice the windows and you should include them as a selling point. They provide an excellent return on investment and will surely help sell your home if you decide to go that route.

If you’re ready to replace your windows, contact Tom Curren Companies today. Our professional team offers a huge selection of options to outfit your home with beautiful new windows. 


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