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Dear friends and clients,

While we weather these startling shocks from the Covid-19 virus unfolding all around us I’m reminded of advice I received from my Mom as a youngster….”just keep your feet under you” she’d say when things were going wrong.  And, her simple admonition to “wash your hands”.

Along those lines, here is a video from Dr. Peter Lin that we’ve all watched here at TCC regarding personal hygiene.

As an overview, please know that we stocked up on disinfectant products very early on, equipped our team with them, and provided several training sessions on how to keep themselves, and our clients, safe while we work to make their homes beautiful.  Gratefully, no one on our team has tested positive for flu or Covid-19, and no one has been quarantined in any way.  

We’re ready to work safely with you and your family on any home improvement projects you may have.

While we are a small company you may be aware that we’ve also invested heavily in technology and infrastructure over the past few years.   So, while we can’t paint your walls or hammer nails remotely, we’re completely able to consult with you, find solutions to problems, create estimates, and prepare the path for a beautiful result…all by working with you remotely.

We hope this provides some level of comfort during what we know are trying times.





PS: The bees seem unaffected and the spring honey flow will be coming soon!


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